Synergistic control of Spodoptera frugiperda in corn and cotton using biological and chemical insecticides, the ‘protector’ concept
Solution developed with the support of researchers from official agencies transfers superior results of pest control and tends to reduce costs
São Paulo (SP) – AgBiTech introduces a new technological solution for the control of the Spodoptera frugiperda caterpillar, considered today the most damaging pest in the production of corn and cotton. Based on the use of Cartugen®, also known as Fawligen®, a bioinsecticide produced by the Australian-American company and based on a naturally occurring baculovirus, the concept works in association with knock-down chemical insecticides. According to the researchers, this combination enhances performance and offers a cost-benefit ratio that is advantageous to the producers managing the pest.
For AgBiTech, the new strategy for handling Spodoptera frugiperda is the result of extensive field work, carried out in commercial areas owned by large agribusiness groups. Research bodies, such as the Fundação Chapadão of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul (MS) as well as renowned consultancies in the sector took part in this work.
In corn fields where AgBiTech analyzed the performance of Cartugen® in combination with a methomyl based knock-down chemical that is widely available from major agrochemical companies, the foliar damage caused by caterpillars to plants decreased by 60% to 70%.
Mrs. Suélen Moreira, an entomologist at the Fundação Chapadão, points out that due to the increasing resistance to insecticides among caterpillar populations, there are few economically viable options available today for producers to manage the pest effectively. “Baculovirus enhances the control and helps to maintain productivity”, sums up the researcher. She says that in a cotton demonstration field in Mato Grosso do Sul, the combination of baculovirus and methomyl insecticide resulted in the production of 5t/ha of plume when the neighboring plot that used only methomyl yielded just 4t/ha.
“The combination of biological and knock-down insecticides demonstrated rapid control and prevented crop damage by the caterpillar. We also noticed that the duration of pest control was longer by seven to ten days compared to other methods”, according to Mr. Germison Tomquelski, researcher at Desafio Agro, based in Chapadão do Sul (MS). He has been working with Cartugen® for three seasons of cotton and corn.
Reproductive structures – According to AgBiTech’s Research & Development Manager, agronomist Marcelo Lima, the new solution for managing Spodoptera frugiperda promoted by the company has delivered positive results in 75% of the analyzed area. In his opinion, this solution protects and increases the number of reproductive structures, “with an average gain of thirteen structures per meter.” Cartugen®, which is 100% biological, ‘protects’ the performance of methomyl by increasing its efficiency in the management of pests resistant to agrochemicals.
“This characteristic of Cartugen® is of utmost relevance since there are no new chemicals with a novel mode of action against caterpillars. Therefore, it is critical to preserve the durability of the most economically viable chemical technologies for the growers to avoid crop losses”, concludes Lima.
Since 2002, AgBiTech has been providing consistent, high-tech products that help to turn agriculture into a more profitable and sustainable activity. The company combines field experience with scientific innovation. It works with growers, consultants, researchers, and develops highly efficient solutions for the management of key agricultural pests. AgBiTech is majority owned by Paine Schwartz Partners, a global agribusiness-focused private equity fund, and manufactures its entire range of products in a world-leading manufacturing facility in Dallas, Texas, USA.
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