Anthony is a leader in the development of baculovirus technology for global agriculture. He has hands-on experience across 6 continents, with specific knowledge in technical positioning and regulation of biological products. Anthony led AgBiTech through a major growth phase from 2013 to 2019, including securing investment to fund the company’s ambitions and relocating operations from Australia to Dallas, Texas, USA in 2016.
Prior to co-founding AgBiTech in 2000, Anthony completed a Bachelor of Science degree at the University of Sydney and worked as a contract trial officer for Eurofins (formerly Agrisearch) before holding technical and marketing roles for Bayer Australia. He currently resides with his wife and children in Toowoomba, Qld.
ABT Brazil
Rua Funchal, 418 – C. 3401 and 3501
Vila Olímpia – São Paulo / SP